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Wikipedia:The Human Body Project

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Logo of The Human Body Project

The Human Body Project aims at increasing the quality of the content related to human anatomy and physiology on English Wikipedia by integrating the content from the 'Anatomy and PhysiologyOpenstax textbook.


  • The glossary of the textbook will be scraped using OpenRefine and exported in list format to create an index of anatomy and physiology terminology [similar example here]. From this index, the knowledge gaps in anatomy and physiology will be mapped using the redlinks.
  • Content gaps on Wikipedia that can be bridged using resources from the textbook will be mapped.
  • The identified content gaps will be bridged with the resources from the textbook.
    • The textbook has lists of key terms and tables of anatomical structures and physiological processes. This content will be integrated to the existing lists related to medicine on English Wikipedia. New list articles will be created wherever a relevant list does not exist.
    • The text from the textbook will be used to bridge the content gaps on anatomy and physiology articles on Wikipedia.
    • Relevant images from the textbook will be used to illustrate Wikipedia articles.

The contents of the textbook will be integrated to Wikimedia projects according to the guidelines for adding open-licenced text to Wikipedia.



The glossary of words built from the textbook can be found here.

Source text


The source of the contents will be mentioned as follows on Wikipedia articles included under the scope of this project:

 This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Text taken from Anatomy and Physiology​, J. Gordon Betts et al, Openstax.

The category used for the pages including the contents of this project is [[Category: Free content from Openstax Anatomy and Physiology]]

The reference to the textbook can be done in this format: [1] Image category: Images from the textbook

Adding images


The images can be added in the following format: [[File:1809 Hormonal Regulation of Growth.jpg|thumb|500px|right|Flowchart showing hormonal regulation of growth]]

Organizational levels of human body: Chemical, cellular and tissue levels

Overview of anatomy and physiology
Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
Overview of anatomy and physiology: Introduction
  • Anatomy
  • Text about regional and systemic anatomy (diff)
  • Structural organization of human body
  • Organ system
  • Tissue
  • Reference to the definition of organ system (diff)
  • Reference to the definition of organ (diff)
  • Functions of human life
  • Anabolism
  • Addition of a schematic diagram showing anabolism and catabolism (diff)
  • Requirements for human life
  • Homeostatic imbalance
  • Targeted temperature management
  • Created a redirect for Homeostatic imbalance to Homeostasis (diff)
  • Added content to Targeted temperature management (diff)
  • Homeostasis - -
    Anatomical terminology Anatomical terminology Created new section: Body cavities (diff)
    Medical imaging - -
    The chemical level of organization
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The chemical level of organization: Introduction - -
    Elements and atoms: The building blocks of matter - -
    Chemial bonds - -
    Chemical reactions - -
    Inorganic compounds essential to human functioning Buffer solution Added reference Diff
    Organic compounds essential to human functioning Phosphorylation Added reference Diff
    The cellular level of organization
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The cellular level of organization: Introduction - -
    The cell membrane Amphiphile Added reference, Diff
    The cytoplasm and cell organelles Cytoskeleton image and description, diff
    The nucleus and DNA replication - -
    Protein synthesis - -
    Cell growth and division Cleavage furrow
    added short description, diff
    New section about clinical significance, diff
    Cellular differentiation Cell potency added reference, diff
    The tissue level of organization
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The tissue level of organization: Introduction - -
    Types of tissues Mesoderm
    Tissue membrane
    Added image, diff
    Added image, diff
    New article on tissue membrane, diff
    Epithelial tissue Cell junction Added image in the infobox, diff
    Connective tissue supports and protects Connective tissue
    Text and reference, diff
    short description, diff
    Muscle tissue and motion - -
    Nervous tissue mediates perception and response - -
    Tissue injury and ageing - -

    Organ systems: The integumentary system

    The integumentary system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The integumentary system: Introduction - -
    Layers of the skin Stratum basale
    Stratum spinosum
    Added content to Clinical Significance, diff
    Added content, diff
    Accessory structures of the skin - -
    Functions of the integumentary system - -
    Diseases, disorders and injuries of the integumentary system - -
    Bone tissue and the skeletal system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Bone tissue and the skeletal system: Introduction - -
    The functions of the skeletal system - -
    Bone classification Bone Content related to short bones, diff
    Bone structure Anatomical terms of bone Added examples, diff
    Bone formation and development - -
    Fractures: Bone Repair Bone fracture Added image, diff
    Exercise, nutrition, hormones and bone tissue - -
    Calcium homeostasis: Interactions of the skeletal system and other organ systems Calcium metabolism Added image and caption, diff
    The axial skeleton
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Axial skeleton: Introduction - -
    Divisions of the skeletal system Axial skeleton Functions of axial skeleton, diff
    The skull - -
    The vertebral column Vertebral column Function of curvatures of the vertebral column, diff
    The thoracic cage Rib cage Information regarding manubrium sterni, diff
    Embryonic development of the axial skeleton Sternum Reference for embryonic development, diff

    The appendicular skeleton
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The appendicular skeleton: Introduction - -
    The pectoral girdle Shoulder girdle Added image and caption, Diff
    Bones of the upper limb Humerus fracture Added an image showing types of major humerus fractures, Diff
    The pelvic girdle and pelvis Pelvis Difference between female and male pelvis, Diff
    Bones of the lower limb Q angle New article about Q angle, Diff
    Development of the appendicular skeleton - -

    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Joints: Introduction Joint
    Added content related to functional anatomy, Diff
    Added content related to function/feature, Diff
    Added content in the lead section, Diff
    Classification of joints Synarthrosis
    Synovial joint
    Hinge joint
    Uniaxial joint
    Biaxial joint
    Multiaxial joint
    Added image and description, Diff
    Added content, Diff
    Axial movement, Diff
    Added reference, Diff
    Redirect to Hinge joint, Diff
    Created a new article, Diff
    Created a new article with text and images, Diff
    Fibrous joints Fibrous joint
    Suture (anatomy)
    Cleanup of joint types, Diff and added info regarding Gomphosis, Diff
    Added reference, Diff, and added image and caption in the infobox, Diff
    Created new article from a redirect Syndesmosis and added image, Diff
    Cartilaginous joints Cartilaginous joint Information regarding symphyses, Diff
    Synovial joints Synovial bursa
    Tendon sheath
    Plane joint
    Classification of bursa, Diff
    Added content related to function, Diff
    Added info related to functional classification, Diff
    Types of body movements - -
    Anatomy of selected synovial joints Ankle
    Deltoid ligament
    Added an image of ankle joint ligaments. Diff
    Function of deltoid ligament, Diff
    Development of joints Development of joints Created a new article on development of joints, Diff

    Organ systems: The muscular system

    Muscle tissue
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Muscle tissue: Introduction - -
    Overview of muscle tissues - -
    Skeletal muscle Epimysium
    added information about its function, diff, added short description, diff
    Added short description, diff
    Muscle fibre contraction and relaxation Creatine phosphate shuttle
    Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
    improved short description, added image, diff
    added citation, diff
    added information about Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, diff
    Nervous system control of muscle tension Motor unit
    Recruitment (disambiguation)
    Motor unit recruitment
    Tetanic contraction
    Bowditch effect
    Muscle tone
    added information regarding recruitment, diff
    added a disambiguation term, diff
    added reference, diff
    redirect to the length-tension curve, diff
    Added image and caption, diff
    Added short description, diff
    added reference, diff
    added short description, diff
    Types of muscle fibres Skeletal muscle information regarding types of muscles, diff
    Exercise and muscle performance Sarcopenia added content about exercise, diff, added image, diff, added short description, diff
    Cardiac muscle tissue Intercalated disc content about function, diff, added image and caption, diff
    Smooth muscle Calmodulin added short description, diff
    Development and regeneration of muscle tissue - -

    The muscular system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The Muscular system: Introduction - -
    Interactions of skeletal muscles, their fascicle arragement and their lever systems - -
    Naming skeletal muscles - -
    Axial muscles of the head, neck and back Facial muscles
    Muscles of mastication
    Table showing facial muscles, diff
    Added table showing muscles of mastication, diff
    Axial muscles of the abdominal wall and thorax Abdominal muscles New article from a redirect, diff
    Muscles of the pectoral girdle and upper limbs Shoulder girdle New section heading, diff
    Appendicular muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs Example Example

    Organ systems: The nervous system

    The nervous system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The nervous system and nervous tissue: Introduction - -
    Basic structure and function of the nervous system - -
    Nervous tissue Neuron Content and reference related to types of neurons, diff
    The function of nervous tissue Precentral gyrus
    Text and reference, diff
    Image and caption, diff
    The action potential Ion channel Added reference, diff
    Communication between neurons Graded potential
    Summation (neurophysiology)
    Biogenic amine
    Added reference, diff
    Added reference for temporal summation, diff
    Added text and reference, diff

    Anatomy of the nervous system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Anatomy of the nervous system: Introduction - -
    The Embryologic perspective Neural tube Image showing stages of development of brain vesicles, diff and text about neural tube, diff
    The central nervous system Lateralization of brain function Added content related to the myth of "right brain" and "left brain", diff
    Circulation and the central nervous system Ventricular system Added reference to parts of ventricular system, diff
    The peripheral nervous system Nerve plexus Added short description and reference in the lead, diff
    The somatic nervous system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The somatic nervous system: Introduction Somatic nervous system Added reference to the function, diff
    Sensory perception Inner ear
    Image showing frequency coding, diff
    Analgesic properties, diff
    Central processing Prism adaptation Added image, diff
    Motor responses Extrapyramidal system Added short description, text related to the function of the tracts and reference, diff

    The autonomic nervous system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The autonomic nervous system: Introduction - -
    Divisions of the autonomic nervous system White ramus communicans
    Gray ramus communicans
    Added reference, diff
    Added reference, diff
    Autonomic reflexes and homeostasis Kehr's sign
    Splenic injury
    Added short description and reference, diff
    Added reference, diff
    Central control Example Example
    Drugs that affect the autonomic system Example Example

    The neurological exam
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The neurological exam: Introduction Neurological examination added information on who performs neurological exam diff
    Overview of the neurological exam - -
    The mental status exam Korbinian Brodmann
    Brodmann area
    Association cortex
    Gnosis (disambiguation)
    content about the present state of his work, diff
    content to the lead section, diff
    new article on association cortex from a redirect, diff
    added the neurological definition, diff
    The cranial nerve exam Cranial nerve examination
    Rinne test
    Weber test
    Jaw jerk reflex
    Gaze (physiology)
    linked Snellen chart, diff
    reference for the lead section of Rinne test, diff
    added reference to the lead section, diff
    New section with existing text, diff
    Added information regarding nerves and muscles, diff
    The sensory and motor exams Pronator drift added short description, diff
    The coordination and gait exams - -

    Organ systems: The endocrine system

    The endocrine system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The endocrine system: Introduction - -
    An overview of the endocrine system Paracrine signalling Added text related to an example, diff
    Hormones Amine
    Steroid hormone
    Peptide hormone
    Text about amine hormones, diff
    Image showing mechanism of action, diff
    Image showing mechanism of action, diff
    Pituitary gland and hypothalamus Growth hormone Added flowchart, diff
    The thyroid gland - -
    The parathyroid glands - -
    The adrenal glands - -
    The pineal gland - -
    Gonadal and placental hormones - -
    The endocrine pancreas - -
    Organs with secondary endocrine functions List of human endocrine organs and actions Added adiponectin, diff
    Development and ageing of the endocrine system Development of the endocrine system Content in the lead section, diff

    Organ systems: The cardiovascular system

    The cardiovascular system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The cardiovascular system: Blood: Introduction - -
    An overview of blood Phlebotomy Added reference, diff
    Production of the formed elements Hemopoietic growth factor Added text and references, diff
    Erythrocytes - -
    Leukocytes and platelets - -
    Hemostasis Clotting factors New page from redirect, diff
    Blood typing - -

    The cardiovascular system: Heart
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The cardiovascular system: Heart: Introduction - -
    Heart: Anatomy - -
    Cardiac muscle and electrical activity - -
    Cardiac cycle - -
    Cardiac physiology Takotsubo cardiomyopathy Other name and reference, diff
    Development of the heart - -

    The cardiovascular system: Blood
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Cardiovascular system: Blood vessels and circulation: Introduction - -
    Structure and function of blood vessels Tunica intima
    Tunica media
    Tunica externa
    Text about function, diff
    Text about external elastic lamina, diff
    Text about artery vs vein differences, diff
    Blood flow, blood pressure and resistance Mean arterial pressure
    Skeletal muscle pump
    Respiratory pump
    Added image, diff
    Added short description, diff
    New article from a redirect, diff
    Capillary exchange - -
    Homeostatic regulation of the vascular system Baroreflex Added image, diff
    Circulatory pathways Artery Added image, diff
    Development of blood vessels and fetal circulation Fetal shunt Redirect to fetal circulation, diff

    The lymphatic and immune system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The lymphatic and immnue system: Introduction - -
    Anatomy of the lymphatic and immune systems Lymph capillary Added a new section for clinical significance, diff
    Barrier defenses and the innate immune response - -
    The adaptive immune response: T lymphocytes and Their Functional Types - -
    The Adaptive Immune Response: B-lymphocytes and Antibodies - -
    The immune response against pathogens Mucosal immunology Added image, diff
    Diseases Associated with Depressed or Overactive Immune Responses Type I hypersensitivity Added image and caption, diff
    Transplatation and cancer immunology Psychoneuroimmunology Added reference, diff

    Organ systems: The respiratory system

    The respiratory system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The respiratory system: Introduction - -
    Organs and structures of the respiratory system Pathophysiology of asthma Added image and caption, diff
    The lungs - -
    The process of breathing Intrapleural pressure
    Alveolar pressure
    Added image and caption, diff
    Added image and caption, diff
    Gas exchange Hyperbaric medicine Added reference, diff
    Transport of gases Fetal hemoglobin
    Added image, diff
    Added reference, diff
    Modifications in respiratory functions Hyperpnea Content about physiology, diff
    Embryonic development of the respiratory system Development of the respiratory system New article, diff

    Organ systems: The digestive system

    Digestive system: Introduction
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Digestive system: Introduction - -
    Overview of the digestive system - -
    Digestive system: Processes and regulation - -
    The mouth, pharynx and esophagus - -
    Stomach Stomach Added content related to mechanical and chemical digestion, diff
    The small and large intestines Gastrointestinal wall Table containing intestinal cells, diff
    Accessory Organs in Digestion: The Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder - -
    Chemical digestion and absorption: A closer look Lipid metabolism Added image, diff

    Overview of metabolic reactions
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Metabolism and nutrition: Introduction - -
    Overview of metabolic reactions Catabolism Added table containing catabolic hormones, diff
    Carbohydrate metabolism - -
    Lipid metabolism - -
    Protein metabolism - -
    Metabolic states of the body - -
    Energy and heat balance - -
    Nutrition and diet - -

    Organ systems: The urinary system

    The urinary system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The urinary system: Introduction - -
    Physical characteristics of urine Urinalysis Added image, diff
    Gross anatomy of urine transport - -
    Gross anatomy of the kidney - -
    Microscopic anatomy of the kidney - -
    Physiology of urine formation Filtration coefficient Added image, diff
    Tubular reabsorption Reabsorption Added image, diff
    Regulation of renal blood flow Myogenic mechanism Added reference, diff
    Endocrine regulation of kidney function - -
    Regulation of fluid volume and composition - -
    The urinary system and homeostasis - -

    Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Introduction - -
    Body fluids and fluid compartments Hydrostatics Added text and reference, diff
    Water balance - -
    Electrolyte balance - -
    Acid-base balance - -
    Disorders of acid-base balance - -

    Organ systems: The reproductive system

    The reproductive system
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    The reproductive system: Introduction - -
    Anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system - -
    Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system - -
    Development of the male and female reproductive systems - -

    Development and inheritance

    Development and inheritance
    Chapter Wikipedia article References and notes
    Development and inheritance: Introduction - -
    Fertilization - -
    Embryonic development - -
    Fetal development - -
    Maternal changes during pregnancy, labor and childbirth - -
    Adjustments of the infant at birth and postnatal stages - -
    Lactation Lactation Added image, diff
    Patterns of inheritance - -


    1. ^  This article incorporates text available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Betts, J Gordon; Desaix, Peter; Johnson, Eddie; Johnson, Jody E; Korol, Oksana; Kruse, Dean; Poe, Brandon; Wise, James; Womble, Mark D; Young, Kelly A (June 8, 2023). Anatomy & Physiology. Houston: OpenStax CNX. 9.0 Joints: Introduction. ISBN 978-1-947172-04-3.